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Showing posts from December, 2007


A sermon preached by the Rev’d Natasha Woodward At St Paulinus Church, Crayford Sunday 23 December 2007 Advent 4 Are you ready for Christmas? Have you done it all? Sometimes December seems like the longest month –Christmas parties and shopping and presents and cooking and friends and families - it's amazing how much happens in one month. For the children the 24 days before Christmas can seem like the longest time in the world. It is just sooooooo exciting. Children get excited about Christmas only when they're old enough to remember what it is about – they know what they are expecting – lots of presents, food and celebration. The waiting is unbearable because they know they are expecting something good. Waiting is so often about uncertainty, even when we think we know what we're waiting for. There is that book "What to expect when you're expecting" about what kinds of things normally happen during pregnancy. It's a funny name – we know what a pregna