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Showing posts from January, 2008


A sermon preached by the Rev’d Natasha Woodward At All Saints' Church, Orpington Sunday 13 January 2008, 9.30am Eucharist Baptism of Jesus, Year A "Then Peter began to speak to them: 'I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.'" In your minds eye, what is your image of Peter? How old do you reckon Peter was when he said this, and when he met Jesus for the first time? I got a surprise seeing a particular picture in the National Gallery for the first time, a picture of Jesus washing Peter's feet. In that, Peter is an old man, with white hair, visibly protesting at the much younger Jesus washing his feet. I suppose I had never thought about how old Peter was, but perhaps for some reason I have always assumed that he was younger than Jesus – it somehow seems more fitting for a teacher to be older than his student. Peter's character can also seem young – impetuous,

Our Story

A sermon preached by the Rev’d Natasha Woodward At St Paulinus Church, Crayford Sunday 30 December 2007 (Christmas 1, Year A ) Six months ago today, on the 30th of June, I was ordained priest in Rochester Cathedral. The following day I celebrated the Eucharist for the first time, here at home at St Paulinus. Many of you joined me on those occasions, or expressed your support in other ways: they were not just my events, but our events. I felt and feel so humbled by your generous support and care, and it is fitting that today I am also wearing the chasuble which was a gift for that occasion, from this congregation and my family. People come to offer themselves for ordination in very different ways. I am about to tell you a little of my own story, but that is just so that you know something of me: it's not to say that this is the way it normally is. For me, my journey to ordination, to being the curate of this church, was all about the church, all about community. I didn'